Friday, July 3, 2009

The Darndest Things...

I've had to start a note on my phone to write down quotations that I hear. Staying up late with friends and working with kids generally yields a whole bunch. Here's just a few in the note; expect more to follow when they happen across me.

Me: But you don't need 50. You just need one.
Student: All you need is love.
Me: No, no. Love is zero in tennis. All you need is love plus one.

Me: What's your favorite band?
Student: The Beatles.
Me: Cool. What's your favorite Beatles song?
Student: I don't know any Beatles songs.

Student: My butt doesn't get as easily sensitive as my feelings do.


  1. I especially like the last one

  2. Carly,

    I know no other way to reach you. I haven't forgotten about the Friendship Jewel granny square pattern. I don't have the pattern, but I have asked a few of my crochet buddies to look for it as well.

